Where are elvui profiles stored
Where are elvui profiles stored

Disabled datatexts were causing issues that me and Darth tried to solve but tbh I'm a bit tired with it. Datatatexts can always be hidden by Ctrl+Clicking the Location Panel anyway. Fixed the feature to change the plugin datatext fonts via the plugin options, that stopped working in v1.70.Simplified some functions and removed some uneeded old stuff.Fixed the Location text not getting red color while in an instance.Fixed not saving the last datatexts toggled state.Fixed datatext incompatibility with ElvUI_DTbars addon and S&L Edit.Added the level of the Battle Pets in the area.User request: Added a Show/Hide Backdrop option, so the panels could be with no background and can be placed on ElvUI's top or bottom panels.Fixed the tooltip for recommended dungeons when player is below level 15.Added option that truncates the location text if it's larger than the location panel (user request).Updated zhCN and zhTW locales (Credits: zhouf616, xjjxfpyyyf).Added mouseovered panels option (user request).All new additions now have a sign in the options.Removed a locale string (thanks Darth).Followed Elv's fix for Monochrome font flag.Fixed panel appearance after pet combat, while mouseover is disabled.Toggling transparency works without a reloadui.Added optional area level range in the location panel (user request).Disabled Monochrome font flag (Still causing wow crashes).Added option to hide tooltip while in combat (enabled by default).Also fixed the tooltip when level range isn't available (major cities). Fixed level range on location panel not showing in some cases.Also optionally show a corresponding icon. Added option to also display Battle Pet level, Fishing level or Area Level, on the Location Panel.

where are elvui profiles stored

  • Changed the coloring and player status method.
  • where are elvui profiles stored

  • Fixed CPU load issues (thanks Einistein for noticing this).
  • Bigger number -> less cpu load -> slower coords update.

    Where are elvui profiles stored update#

    Added a slider in the options so the user can adjust the coords update time, to prevent cpu load.Note: LibTourist needed for the tooltip info is not yet fully updated for the new areas, so recommended areas, dungeons, level area, etc are not always passing the correct info. Added option to show/hide the coord frames.Author's note: Currently, the data for the Outland zones Nagrand and Shadowmoon Valley is overwritten by the data for the Draenor zones with the same names. The tooltip will now show the correct fishing level in Draenor's Nagrand and Shadowmoon Valley. Made the adjustments needed (through LibTourist) to seperate info from areas with duplicate zone names (Nagrand and Shadowmoon Valley).Fixed main panel layering level when placed above minimap.Because this is a duplicate name with the Hellfire Citadel complex in Hellfire Peninsula, Outland, the raid is added to the mechanism that handles duplicate names, and is identified by LibTourist as "Hellfire Citadel (Draenor)". Update deDE locales (Credit Merathilis).Added Login Message option (Credit Merathilis).

    Where are elvui profiles stored